09 May 2013

Begin at the beginning...

Starting with a food journal is my beginning. Well, actually my beginning was coming back from a leave from work and finding my co-work was down 85 lbs after bariatric surgery and he was happy and healthy. I don't have 85lbs to lose, but I do have self-esteem that I need to find again and also some ugly parts of me that I do need to shed. My weight isn't my only problem.

Here we begin with the starting point of my journey. The ugly details, the sad state I'm in and the happy healthy place I'm going!

-Height: 5'2
-Weight: 196lbs
-Medications: Levothyroxine, Depo Provera, Lorazepam
-Pant size: 15

-Goal weight: 130
-Be off the thyroid meds
-Pant size: 5

These are worthy goals and attainable for me. I have hard work ahead of me but with my friends and family on my side, I can do this. I can change my life... now is the time.

It's time to dig deep and find dedication, determination and discipline.

It starts now...

11 April 2012

It Works!

Guess who's a distributor... I jumped on the wagon and decided to take control of my future.

I am currently making my way in such an incredible business. If you haven't heard how It Works!, then you have not heard of the best body contouring and supplement business in the world. We're used by celebrities and we're all over the globe making everybody LOSERS! Losers of inches but WINNERS of money and incredible bonuses.

If you haven't heard but would like to become a part of my business, please please please check out my website or call me (you can get my # from my website, *hint hint*)..


You'll be amazed at how It Works!

02 April 2012



We survived our first camping trip. Barely.

We dropped a wad of cash on a campsite the size of a quarter and picked up some freaky neighbors that neither understood nor cared about being quietly standoffish. Then Loverman drank so much Sunday night he was up at 3am throwing whole blackberries & strawberries on the ground topped with fresh hopps.

We also had his little nephew with us.. Peyton. We had such a great time watching that kid drop-trou everytime he had to piss (which amazingly for a 3 year old is about 4 times in a 2 hour span). After an exhausting 2 hours of "Why do you have that?" and "Can I put that in the fire?" and "Let's throw it in the river..."  his father came and got him and they went on their merry little way. The very first thing out of my mouth to my man was "I'll schedule that birth control appointment on Monday." Then we promptly popped the top and got down to serious camping mode.

We did some fishin'. That pic LEFT there is the steely he caught after maybe...MAYbe 5 casts. I throw one out and what happens? I'm snagged and have to break my line. I hate fishing.

And then we did it some more and I got me a sucker. And promptly dropped him on the ground til he almost died. He must've layed in that water trying to get his breath like an obese chain smoker tries to catch theirs after walking from the first handicap parking spot to their electrocart.

All in all it was an excellent night. There are many more pictures, however.. I may've been too hammered to turn off the "MACRO" which apparently means I have to take my photos within 45cm (Which btw, I have no idea how close that is). Maybe next weekend's adventure will be worth posting.

27 February 2012

Buy a money tree!

Year of the Dragon
I bought a "money tree".
I would argue down any person that says it doesn't work. You have clearly never taken great care of one. Mine has brought me wealth this past month that I've had it.
  • $100 birthday check
  • $22.78 refund check for overpd medical bill
  • $2055 taxes
  • $35 Wal-Mart gift card for work bonus
Is that not good money? Oh, and I found some money in some old pants.

Speaking of other superstitious gimmicks -
Do you believe in ghosts? Demons? Angels?

I believe in God. There I said it. I am a firm believer in God and that I should live my life in the way he intended. I don't get over zealous in my religion but I will talk about it if you bring it up.

I also believe in Demons. My sister doesn't believe that they are out to hurt you, but I disagree. I believe there are some demons that have every intention to make your life as miserable as possible. I believe Angels are the spirits that keep you on course and save you from doing stupid things.


Doing Some Paintin'

We've been doing some updating of our room.
Essentially it's a
saffron yellow with a dark green carpet.
So you think "fresh, spring" and just very CLEAN. Our bed is rought iron, so it just makes me think of woodsy.

Will be posting pictures later.

18 February 2012

Death and Taxes...But Mostly Taxes

There are way too many things to say about taxes. I'm not an overly political person. I call myself a centrist. I am not a R or a D but I am def in the  middle.

All that being said, I got my taxes back today. Direct deposit into my checking account, which thank GOD happened because I was running low and pay day was yesterday. It got me thinking about how much money the Feds and the State took from me. It was a freakin' lot. And I am paying my taxes, working my ass off everyday so that someone with a meth problem and 8 kids can live off welfare and smoke their ciggs.

You're welcome Welfare Recipients. I am honored to pay for you to live comfortable while I struggle to make my mortgage. What a kind hearted saint I am to work 11.5 hour days 6 days a week and not be able to feed myself but I can still give you over $400 per week on a Bridge Card. And what pisses me off EVEN MORE... is that you're PROUD of the amount of money the state is giving you. Here's an idea... Let's have yet ANOTHER kid so we can get MORE money. It's great to know a huge percentage of our human race is dependant upon SOMEBODY else for survival.

16 February 2012

Colt .45 and Two Zig-Zags

Let's give a hand to my brilliant mind for creating such a lovely color scheme that fits beautifully with the purpose of this blog. Think: travel meets mind meets class meets knowledge? Can you see it in that background? And let's not forget to thank the person that created the template in the first place. Giving credit where it's due, I guess.

This isn't Facebook. This is a blog.

Loverman asked me what a blog was. Oh and by the way, Loverman is my beau, my second-half and as I type this he's the pain in my ass that won't just come to bed.

Back to what this blog is for.  I stuttered my way through telling him what it was and what it means to me. Basically, I guess... My blog is a place for me to put the narration of my thoughts to paper, or in this case my fancy dancy computation device. Loverman doesn't quite understand the drive and the growth behind technology in our era. He doesn't like computers, doesn't care for texting and sure as hell doesn't like Facebook. So I 86ed my FB and am bringing back my blog. Ok, ok... my blog. It's a place for me to put those narrations and reflections and essentially Bar in Far Bombay is going to become  my brain-drain.

I'm not saying that my words are going to be a jumbed mess of who loves who, where we're meeting for drinks, what I spent my weekend doing... It's a place to look at my words, my phrases and maybe make some sense of what's up there.